Thursday, November 8th
Every 90 Seconds for 5 Sets: 1 Clean + Split Jerk
Sets 1-3 - 70% of 1RM C&J Sets 4-5 - 75%
Sets 6-7 80%
“Cement Mixer” Every 3 Minutes for 7 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 12 Toes to Bar
*Score is total rounds completed
If unable to run:
500m Row
20 Calorie Bike
On the TTB’s – modify to match this stimulus. We must be done with the first round by the 2:20 mark. If we are 6 repetitions in at the 2:20 mark, our goal is to maintain 6 repetitions throughout the workout. What we do not want to have here is that first round finishing at 2:40 or later… ultimately that will result in missing a start time later in the workout, and will also result in diminished intensity. At the 2:20 mark, whichever TTB number we are on, that is our goal for the remaining 6 rounds.
OPTIONAL GYMNASTICS (if time allows)
10 Minutes
Handstand Walk Practice
With the fatigue of the day and the recent shoulder intensive conditioning part finished minutes ago, we are challenging our ability to handstand walk. Athlete's choice here on distances, obstacles, or even handstand drills, to focus on. Stimulus is purely to get onto our hands after a challenging day and practice.