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Saturday, November 17th



Every 90 Seconds, Deadlift (14 Minutes) Sets 1-3 *3 Reps at 72%

Sets 4-6 * 3 Reps at 77%

Sets 7-9 * 3 Reps at 82%

This is a build from last week, increasing each set by 2%. Not meant to be towards max effort, and intended to be short breaks between sets. If able, complete as touch and go repetitions throughout, moving through this piece with a purpose. We will be building on these nine sets over the coming weeks.




For Time: 60/42 Calorie Row 50 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 40 Toes to Bar 30 Hang Power Cleans (115/80)

Box Jump Overs - methodical, breathing pace. Let's find a cadence, and foot-work pattern, that can be identical for the first rep to the final. When we fatigue, our footwork can become sporadic, wasting extra time and seconds.

Toes to Bar - smart sets. Consistent sets pay off well here, versus potentially pushing too far on the first set, and become reduced to smaller sets.

Hang Power Cleans - naturally going to vary between athletes, but let's start our push on rep 15. In a 30 repetition set, we often come out strong in the first half. It's the second half that is the separator. Opening with sets of 5 to start are great, but if at rep 20 we are reduced to singles, what may be a better option to consider is fast 3's from the onset.

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