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Wednesday, December 19th



For Time: (8 Minute Time Cap) 10 Squat Cleans (60%) 8 Squat Cleans (65%) 6 Squat Cleans (70%) 4 Squat Cleans (75%) 2 Squat Cleans (80%)



3 Rounds For Time: 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 30 Wallballs (20/14)

On the hang power cleans, we are looking for a loading that we are confident we could complete 10+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh.

In today’s triplet, we can expect our lower half to be challenged. Looking at the three movements, all require a “jump”, or an extension of the lower body. Unique in their own way, but also similar. Our aim for this workout is to space our effort out over all three rounds, so that we do not have an unexpected “bonk” in round 2 and 3. This workout is on the mid-range end, in the ~10 minute range, so we want to approach that first round accordingly.

Hang Power Cleans: individual capacities on the barbell vary between athletes, but we want to ensure we are planning for all three rounds. If we open with ten repetitions unbroken, but need to go directly to singles on the second round, we likely could have approached differently. Cycle time on the box jump overs are important in today’s workout, and despite how we can find a recovery pace on the repetitions, we do not want to approach the box heavily fatigued from hanging onto a long, but demanding, set of hang power cleans.

Box Jump Overs; aim to minimize the amount of steps we take. Much like burpees over the barbell, additional steps very easily can sneak their way into each repetition, adding time and effort. Practice our footwork prior to the workout, and stay close to the box. There is efficiency with the box jump over.

Although rebounding these repetitions, skimming over the top of the box, naturally is the fastest, a tried and true method is the jump up, spin on the box, and step-down to the other side. It’s controlled, methodical, and when done efficiently, a fast movement that allows the athlete to transition directly to the next station. As you step down to the other side, the moment the second foot reaches the ground, jump for the next repetition.

Wallballs: move in with pre-planned sets. 16-14, 12-10-8, and 9-8-7-6 are all talking points to consider. Moving in with a plan however gives accountability towards our sets when we step up to the ball, which can otherwise be all over in terms of a breakup strategy. Knowing that we are back on the barbell following the first set, allow a small “shake off” of the shoulders as the ball travels in the air. We want to avoid leaving our arms high in the air, unnecessarily fatiguing them, between repetitions.

If able, take a quick glance at the clock at the finish of each round for a pacing debrief. This is an excellent workout to learn more about ourselves.

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