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Saturday, March 16th

METCON: 4 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 15 Handstand Push-Ups (FB – strict HSPU) 25 Sit-Ups 35 Air Squats

If we are unable to run today, complete:

500m Row

20 Calorie Bike

In today’s workout, the run becomes the pacer. We want to naturally hold a strong pace here, but our bigger focus is conserving our effort for the work inside the gym. We recognize that a break on the gymnastic movements stops our forward progress in the workout, where a slight reduction in speed on these runs still results in us moving forward - and potentially enables larger sets in the remaining work.

That first area of focus - to dial in our sets inside the gym. To visualize an appropriate repetition scheme, think forward to round three. Play the workout through in our mind, and how we will be approaching the movements on this third round. If we are breaking the HSPU into quick sets, this may be a good place to start the workout with. We are focusing our efforts first on the work inside the gym, but by no means do these sets need to be unbroken, or even large for that matter. But they do need to be consistent. When we aren't so, and we "hit a wall" for example, this is where time slips by quickly as we are reduced to slow, small sets.

After we dial in our thoughts for the work inside the gym, then we turn to the run. The run is by no means a "slow" effort - it's the pacer. It's the fastest pace we can possibly hold, without slowing down inside the gym. For a rough visualization at what this may look and feel like, it may be in the rough picture of our estimated 5K, or 3 mile pace. An aggressive run, but one that is very sustainable for 4 rounds.

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