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Tuesday, April 9th

As mentioned last week, Tuesday's will commonly start with a skill-based focus. Using our max-effort strict handstand pushup test last week as a baseline, we'll train percentages today across 10 submaximal sets. The metcon conditioning comes next, in the form of 5 x 3:00 on / 1:00 off intervals.

We will finish with an optional “Murph” prep to complete 50-75 push-ups – not for time. 



For Time (10 minute cap):

10 Sets: 30% of Max Strict Handstand Pushups

**Using last week's measure on our current max set.

Each set must be unbroken. With the piece being "for time", we are looking to challenge ourselves by getting back onto the wall sooner than we want to. As an example, if an athlete has 10 unbroken strict handstand pushups, he or she would be completing 10 x 3 for time.

Last week, during the max effort test, we had a dumbbell strict press option if we did not have (3) unbroken strict handstand pushups.

Dumbbell Strict Presses - With a range of motion from shoulders to overhead, the freely moving bells are far more demanding than the barbell. Choose a loading that allows for at least 8-10 repetitions, and go as far as we can from there. We're aiming to be in the 8-15 repetition rep range.

After choosing our movement, complete a full max effort set if we have not. If we are testing today, complete 7 sets of the 30%. If we tested last week, let's take 30% of that and complete the full 10 today.



“Bad Blood”

5 Rounds: 1:00 - Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) 1:00 - Power Cleans (155/105) 1:00 – Bike Calories 1:00 – Rest

**score is total reps/calories over the 5 rounds.

Stimulus wise, we are looking to be in the range of 8-15+ reps each round. This won't be a very high scoring workout, in comparison to workouts with lighter loads. We want to move closer to the grind today, where we need to work hard for each repetition.

On the burpee box jumps, we are allowed to step-up the burpee, but we are looking for a two-foot jump onto the box. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Be methodical here as it's the start of our round. Stop our movement at the :55 to use our next full minute on the cleans.

On the power cleans, we are looking for a load we could cycle for 15+ repetitions unbroken. Here, fast singles is a great strategy for many, unless we are very strong on the barbell. With the goal across the five rounds being consistency, let's use the clock to pace our efforts.

On the final bike,the sliding scale of accumulation applies here. Towards the end of each minute, aim to bring it to a hard charging finish. Let's start at "65 miles per hour" and try to increase a bit more every :15s, finishing with a hard charge to the finish in the final interval.



Complete 50-75 Push-Ups

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