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Saturday, May 11th

Final day in Week #6 of "Grunt Work". Next week, we will be taking our mid-cycle de-load week. In our final day before the de-load, we have two parts. 1. Barbell Cycling - Building upon our start, a stamina builder we'll see several times more in the weeks ahead.

2. Conditioning - A repeat workout of ours, "Cement Mixer".



6 Minute EMOM: 6 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Push Jerks 4 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Push Jerks 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Push Jerks 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Push Jerks 1 Hang Squat Clean + 6 Push Jerks

*Barbell Loading - 55% of 1RM Hang Squat Clean

This is intended to be on the lighter side on the loading, but looks can be deceiving. This is a test that is less about absolute strength, and far more about stamina in the movements. Intended to be metabolic builder, we will be building on both this rep scheme and percentage in the coming weeks (after next week's deload). This is a chance to feel through the combination.



“Cement Mixer”

Every 3:00 for 7 Sets: 400m Run 12 Toes to Bar

**On the TTB’s – modify to match the intended stimulus. We must be done with the first round by the 2:20 mark.

If unable to run, complete:

450/400m Row

25/18 Calorie Bike

Last completed on October 31, 2018.

First portion to look at is the running –avoid the temptation for that first round to be overly aggressive.

On the TTB’s – modify to match this stimulus. We must be done with the first round by the 2:20 mark. If we are 6 repetitions in at the 2:20 mark, our goal is to maintain 6 repetitions throughout the workout. What we do not want to have here is that first round finishing at 2:40 or later… ultimately that will result in missing a start time later in the workout, and will also result in diminished intensity. At the 2:20 mark, whichever TTB numberwe are on, that is our goal for the remaining 6 rounds.

As we move into this workout, we can thing through two major focus points:

  1. Let's need to pace the runs in the first rounds. It is very easy to bite off a pace that we can't sustain past round 3, the first few rounds should be controlled to the point where we feel like we're going a little too slow. This workout should become really challenging in round 5 (and beyond) … not round 3.

2. This is challenging on the hip flexors. There's no denying that, given how they are called upon heavily in both running and toes to bar. We aren't going to run only with our hamstrings on the run (of course), so the run will be what it is. The toes to bar however, we can target on a mental level knowing this combination is challenging. Focus on our kip. The quality of our kip is what will keep us cycling large sets deep inside the workout. If we find ourselves not reaching with our heels behind us, and doing a variation of a "strict toes to bar", these reps can very quickly go away in the later rounds of the workout. Naturally, what will dramatically lengthen out our round times are extra, unplanned breaks on the pull-up bar due to fatigue. Let's get that chest through, and legs long behind us, to give us the energy we need in the later rounds to find our best score today.

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