Burien Strength & Conditioning

Teanna Blees
Teanna has been a competitive athlete her entire life. After having to retire early from her college basketball career due to injury, she was lost trying to find a way to fill the void of being a lifelong athlete. She started CrossFit in 2015 and fell in love with the sport immediately. She enjoys spending hours at the gym moving heavy barbells and attempting to finesse her gymnastic skills. She loves progressing in the sport, but finds the most joy in helping others realize their potential. There is nothing like coaching an athlete through their first pull-up, or watch them stand up a squat clean that's 10# more that what they ever thought possible! You'll find Tea running CFBs social media pages, nutrition challenges, and staying busy in the gym community!
Outside of CrossFit, she has a PhD in I/O Psychology and working in the world of People Analytics. She's married to CFB cool kid Will Blees - they love spending their time training together and hanging out with the CFB family. As a coach, she strives to push people outside of their comfort zone and places emphasis on the fundamentals, functional movement, and steady progression. She believes everybody has greatness inside of them, it just takes a little work to bring it out!
CrossFit Level-1
Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach (NESTA)
FMT Blades - IASTM Certification
Rock Tape Performance Movement Technique