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Wednesday, February 7th



7 Minute EMOM: Hang Squat Snatch

3 Reps – 70%

2 Reps – 72%

2 Reps – 72%

1 Rep– 75%

1 Rep– 80%

1 Rep– 80%

1 Rep– 85%



4 Minute AMRAP:

12 Calorie Row

12 Power Snatches (95/65)

Rest 4:00

4 Minute AMRAP:

12 Calorie Row

8 Power Snatches (115/80)

Rest 4:00

4 Minute AMRAP:

12 Calorie Row

4 Power Snatches (135/95)

Starting off the day by working on positional awareness and strength in the snatch. Looking to find a balance between load and technique here. Taking what we worked on in the snatch over into the metcon as well. Working for four minutes and resting for four minutes. Weights on the barbell go up each round as the reps go down. With the short time windows, we want these to be weight that athletes can cycle every round. Ideally these are completed in 1-2 sets each time. If on the fence about weights, lighter is better as it allows athletes to get more work done.

While speed on the rower is important, it is not as important as the snatches. Dropping the barbells means no work is getting done. If athletes can push on the barbell and then get back to the rower, the first few calories will be slower, but things are still moving forward. This push will be different for each athlete. It could be one set or two sets, but the goal here is to put a good effort in on the barbell knowing there is rest to follow.

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