Thursday, February 28th
Team, Open 19.2 announcement tonight. Below, you will find an optional "Pre-Game" activation. If you are an athlete that feels...
Wednesday, February 27th
A. STRENGTH: 8 Minute EMOM: 3 Position Power Snatch Set 1-2- 60% of estimated 1RM Power Snatch Set 3-4 - 64% Set 5-6 - 68% Set 7 - 72%...
Tuesday, February 26th
A. STRENGTH: On the 1:30 x 7 Sets: 2 Power Cleans 1 Split Jerk Climbing to a heavy for the day, but not a max effort. Start with the...
Monday, February 25th
A. METCON: 5 Rounds for Time: 40 Double Unders (2:1 Singles) 10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Thrusters 3 Wall Walks (FB – 25’ HSW) *DB –...
Saturday, February 23rd
A. STRENGTH: On the 2:00 x 6 Sets: 2 Split Jerks *After each set, complete 40 Double Unders Percentages: Set #1 - 75% of current 1RM...
Friday, February 22nd
Check back for more workout notes and tips on how to tackle 19.1!! METCON: WORKOUT 19.1 15 Minute AMRAP: 19 Wall Ball Shots 19 Calorie...
Thursday, February 21st
Tonight is the night!! 19.1 Open announcement will be at 5pm. Go to to watch what's in store for tomorrow! If you are...
Wednesday, February 20th
On Wednesday's, we'll lead into the Open with an "On the Minute" primer. The intention here is to control our intensity and volume, while...
Tuesday, February 19th
A. STRENGTH: Every 90 Seconds for 7 Sets: 1 Pausing Power Clean + 1 Power Clean Percentages are intended to be light. All technique...
Monday, February 18th
Due to today being a holiday we will have limited class times at: 6AM, 10:30AM and 4:30PM. The 2019 Open starts this week guys!! Are you...