Monday, February 12th
**REMINDER*** There will not be a 12:00 class today (Feb 12th) or this Wed (Feb 14th)
5 Minute EMOM:
3 Power Cleans (Climbing Weights: 60%-65%-70%-75%-80%)
Rest 1:00
5 Minute EMOM:
3 Push Jerks From Ground (Climbing Weights: 60%-65%-70%-75%-80%)
Rest 1:00
5 Minute EMOM:
1 Heavy Power Clean and Jerk (Athletes Choice on Weight)
10 Minute AMRAP:
On the Minute: 5 Power Cleans (135/95) + Max Burpees w/ Remaining Time
*At the top of every minute, complete 5 power cleans. Score will be total burpees completed following for all 10 minutes.