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Thursday, February 15th



Teams of 2:

20 Minute AMRAP:

3 Kettlebell Swings, 3 Box Jump Overs, 3 Wallballs

6 Kettlebell Swings, 6 Box Jump Overs, 6 Wallballs

9 Kettlebell Swings, 9 Box Jump Overs, 9 Wallballs

Kettlebell: (53/35)

Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Wallballs (20/14)

In this partner workout, teammates will alternate full rounds. Partner 1 will complete 3-3-3, then Partner 2 will complete 3-3-3. Partner 1 will then complete 6-6-6 and so on. The rep scheme will go up by 3’s until the 20 minutes run out. The weights on both the kettlebell swings and wallballs should be something that athletes could complete the round of 24’s unbroken when fresh. Score today is total reps. Scoring key below:

Both Finish 3’s – 18

Both Finish 6’s – 54

Both Finish 9’s – 108

Both Finish 12’s – 180

Both Finish 15’s – 270

Both Finish 18’s – 378

Both Finish 21’s – 504

Both Finish 24’s – 648

Both Finish 27’s – 810

Both Finish 30’s – 990

At the beginning of the workout, likely until the finish of the of 9’s, these rounds will pass by fairly quickly. Athletes can anticipate the round of 12 and on to call for a little more strategy than the first few. The kettlebell swings are the least metabolic of the three. As the reps increase, controlling with breath there will be important in setting athletes up for the next two movements. On the box jump overs, we want to find a speed on the box that allows athletes to immediately pick up the ball for a large, possibly unbroken set. Maintaining the cycle time on the box jump overs from the very low rep rounds will probably lead to extended rest or extra breaks on the wallballs. With rest coming up while the next partner is going, athletes can aim to find a balance between speed and fatigue of the movements.


With Remaining Time Work on a Skill

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