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Saturday, February 17th


5 Rounds, On the 5:00

15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

18 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

50 Double Unders (100 Singles)

Dumbbell weight should be a weight that will be performed in with a maximum of 1 break per round. When athletes overstretch their limits early, it is harder to come back to in the later rounds. With 75 pull-ups in the workout, we want athletes to picture how they would break-up 75 pull-ups for time. If this is 5’s, 7’s, or 15’s, holding that from the beginning with very short breaks will better allow them to maintain in rounds 3-5. Once through the pull-ups, athletes can move at a pace that allows them to hold on for all 18 reps. It is better to move with control on the snatches as the return is exponential on the jump rope with greater power output. 

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