Wednesday, February 28th
5 Minute EMOM
3-Position Power Clean
Build to a Heavy Complex
Directly Into…
5 Sets of Complex every 90 Seconds
One 3-Position Power Clean Complex is Defined as:
1 Power Clean from the Pockets + 1 Power Clean from just above the Knee + 1 Power Clean from the Floor without Putting the Barbell Down Between Repetitions.
3 Rounds:
15 Hang Power Cleans (115/80)
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
To get the most out of the metcon, athletes should choose a weight on the barbell that they could complete each set with a maximum of 1 break. This workout is meant to be a burner. Picking a lighter weight may be better to allow athletes to move quickly through this one. Burpees are lateral over the barbell, with no need to stand up to full extension between each rep.
While this workout is designed to be more of a sprint, there are some things athletes can do to make sure they don’t slow down. Following the first and second round of hang power cleans, athletes should move at a pace on the burpees that allows them to get the next barbell completed unbroken or with a maximum of one break, but ideally unbroken. Going a touch slower and breathing through the burpees to hold onto the barbell is better than quick burpees and multiple breaks or long rests. With nothing to come after the last set of burpees, athletes can then find the mindless, quick pace for the last 15 reps.