Wednesday, June 6th
2 Minute AMRAP: 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike, Max Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00
2 Minute AMRAP: 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike, Max Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00
2 Minute AMRAP: 15/10 Calorie Assault Bike, Max Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00
3 Minutes AMRAP: Max Handstand Pushups (FB – Strict HSPU or Max Length Handstand Walk)
*Athletes will have a buy-in for every AMRAP. The purpose of this conditioning is to see what how you can move during an advanced gymnastics movement while you’re tired.
*If unable to complete any of the mentioned gymnastics movements you will choose the hardest gymnastics movement you need to work on…chest to bar pull-ups, pull-ups, etc….
METCON: 15 Minute AMRAP: 15 Power Snatches (75/55) 30 Double Unders 15 Wallballs (20/24) 30 Double Unders
Weight on the barbell today should be light. When fresh, athletes should be able to complete the snatches unbroken without a doubt. Within the workout today, looking to get through the 15 reps in no more than two sets. The same goes for the weight on the wallballs. We want athletes moving for the majority of the AMRAP today. Picking a variation on the rope that allows them to do so will be important.
In another threshold training type workout, managing perceived level of effort will be important. The breath is a great way to control rest periods and perceived effort. It sounds like common sense, but the more athletes focus on breathing throughout the 15 minutes, the better they will feel. Time is often lost during long rest periods. In order to control the ratio of work to rest, athletes can count their breaths during breaks. For example, an athlete will complete 8 wall balls, take three breaths, and then pick the ball up again for the last 7 reps. This can be done with any breakup strategy. The goal here is to find a rhythm with the breath, and in turn a rhythm for the workout. This helps with consistency of movement across the 15 minutes and usually results in the best score possible for that athlete.