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Thursday, July 19th



Every 90 Seconds for 7 Sets, Overhead Squat 3 Reps

Build to a Heavy Set of 3 for the Day



12 Minute AMRAP: 2 Power Snatches (135/95) 4 Overhead Squats (135/95) 16/12 Calorie Row

* If you have more people than rowers, stagger by 1 minute.

Athletes will build to a heavy triple overhead squat from the rack to start things out. Heavy is relative for the day, and should be a weight that athletes can safely support overhead. In the metcon, athletes are choosing a weight that they could complete for 10+ unbroken overhead squat repetitions when fresh. This is to be completed with one barbell, with all reps taken from the floor.

The numbers are small on the barbell, but the weight is meant to be moderately challenging. The power snatches can be taken as singles. Following that second single repetitions, athletes can aim to leave the bar overhead and hold on for all four overhead squats. It is more beneficial to take the extra time before the second power snatch to ensure those are completed without dropping, which would lead to extra power snatches. From there, the speed of the workout is determined by how quickly athletes can move on the rower and still maintain their two singles and four unbroken overhead squats.

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