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Wednesday, July 25th



10 Minutes of Handstand Walk Practice *If Unable to HSW, Complete 1-2 Wall Walks per Minute for 10 Minutes



For Time: 200 Double Unders (300 Singles) 1,500 Meter Row 100 Wallballs (20/14) 50/35 Calorie Bike

*Stagger by 5-6 minutes if short on machines.

Longer chipper workout today. Athletes will move through each movement in order, choosing a weight on the medicine ball that they are capable of completing 20+ wallballs unbroken when fresh.

Looking at this workout at a whole can be overwhelming at first. Taking it one set at a time helps athletes stay focused in the moment, not getting too far ahead of themselves. Success today is not about big sets, rather consistent sets. It doesn’t matter if athletes do 20 sets of 10 on the rope or 20 sets of 5 on the ball, as long as they maintain a steady work/rest rhythm. Tracking rest will be beneficial today to keep athletes on track. Taking a specific number of breaths or counting to 3 or 5 before beginning the next set can be helpful. Pick a breakup strategy, pick a rest length, and try to stick to it.

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