Friday, August 3rd
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Sets:
2 Temp Front Squats
5 Second Down, 2 Second Pause in bottom. Sets 1-2 – 60% Sets 3-4 – 65% Sets 5-6 – 70%
7 Rounds, On the 3:00: 400 Meter Run 12 Toes to Bar
If unable to run, complete one of the following:
500/400 Meter Row 25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
This is similar in format to yesterdays 3-minute intervals. However, today the score is the slowest of the 7 rounds. We are looking for the toes to bar to be completed in 2 sets maximum on each round. The number or variation can be adjusted to accomplish this.
Today, there is a quite a bit less work inside along with built in rest. This makes the runs even more important, as the majority of the intervals will be spent outside the gym. Today, let’s challenge athletes to push their pace on the runs each round and to just get their hands on a bar when the get inside. With the score being the slowest round, we still want to avoid going all out in round 1, but today is a great day to reach a little further than usual.