Tuesday, September 11th
For Time *50 Minute Time Cap
2001m Run (1.25 Mile Run)
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
11 Thrusters (125/85)
11 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
11 Power Cleans (170/115)
11 Handstand Push-Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
11 Toes to Bar
11 Deadlifts (170/115)
11 Push Jerks (110/75)
2001m Row
*Athletes may start with the row and end with run, or start with run and end with row
2001 run/row = the year of the attacks
11 reps of 9 exercises = the date
125lb thrusters = number of deaths that occurred at the Pentagon
170lb power clean = UA Flight 17 that hit the South Tower
170lb deadlift = flight 77 and flight 93 combined
110lb push jerk = the number of floors in each tower of the World Trade Center

This Hero/Tribute WOD, originally attributed to CrossFit Bell Air (Forest Hill, MD) via the CrossFit forum in 2013 was later modified by Hay Camp CrossFit (formerly CrossFit Archaic (Rapid City, SD)) in 2014 to include push jerks as the 11thmovement.