Saturday, September 15th
For Time: 30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 800 Meter Run 15 Power Snatches (135/95) 800 Meter Run 15 Power Snatches (135/95) 800 Meter Run 30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
If unable to run, complete one of the following:
1000/800 Meter Row 55/40 Calorie Assault Bike
OPTIONAL GYMNASTICS CONDITIONING (If Time Allows in Class) For Time: 21-18-15-12-9: Kipping Handstand Push-ups Box Jump Overs (24/20)
In this up-and-back workout, we’re looking for athletes to choose a weight on the power snatches that they would use for the benchmark workout “Isabel”. This is a load that they could complete somewhere between 10-15 repetitions unbroken when fresh, knowing that they will most likely be singles within the workout. We recommend that in order to do the prescribed number of chest to bar pull-ups, athletes should be capable of completing 15+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. If they’re not quite there yet, we can bring the number of chest to bar pull-ups down or choose an appropriate variation for the 30 repetitions.
Taking into account the total number of repetitions today will better allow athletes to figure out what break-up strategy/pace works best for them. Over the course of the workout, we have 60 chest to bar pull-ups, 1.5 miles of running, and 30 power snatches. The power snatch is the easiest one to figure out, as all athletes will likely be performing these as single repetitions. What will differ from athlete to athlete is the time between repetitions, although this should be a weight where a single is always there. The runs are a little trickier, but the general rule of thumb is for athletes to run at a pace that allows them to immediately come in and get their hands on a bar for their first set. We know the first set on the barbell will be 1 rep, but the sets for pull-ups will vary. However athletes see themselves breaking up 60 pull-ups as a whole is great way to approach it from the beginning of today’s workout. Whether they imagine themselves completing sets of 5, sets of 10, or sets of 15, let’s pick a number and try to stick to it. If things don’t go to plan, athletes can adapt on the fly and develop a new plan, taking note for the next time something like this comes up.