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Wednesday, November 7th


STRENGTH: On the 0:00 – 10 Power Snatches (115/80) On the 2:00 – 8 Power Snatches (135/95) On the 4:00 – 6 Power Snatches (165/115) On the 6:00 – 4 Power Snatches (185/135) On the 8:00 – 2 Power Snatches (205/145)

A total of 30 total snatches, climbing in load as we move through each two-minute window. These repetitions do not need to be completed unbroken, but we are looking to move with a purpose here. Complete the repetitions is quickly as we can inside each window, nearly as if, each part were for time when the minute turns


METCON: 18 Minute AMRAP:

25 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/53)

25 AbMat Sit-ups

250 Meter Row

25 AbMat Sit-ups

The first goal today is to move for as much of the 18 minutes as possible. In order to get as many rounds and reps as possible in this time frame, athletes will want to be moving for the majority of the time. The one movement that has the potential to cause athletes to stop is the Russian Kettlebell Swings. Slowing down the AbMat Sit-ups a touch to go big here is recommended. If athletes are confident in going unbroken on the swings, they can then find the maximum pace on the other two movements that allows them to continue to do so.

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