Saturday, December 22nd
Monday, December 24th 10:00 class only (wear your ugly Christmas sweaters)
Tuesday, December 25th: all classes cancelled
Wednesday, December 26th: 10:00 class only
7 Rounds, resting 1:00 between rounds: 8 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (4/side) (50/35) 10 Medball Squat Jumps (20/14) 200m Run
If unable to run:
10 Calorie Bike
300m Row
In today's conditioning, we are looking to finish each round with a near sprint finish on the run. The "buy-in" dumbbell work and medball jumps are naturally important, but let's focus our efforts on the run as the station to place our best effort in.
On the dumbbell hang clean and jerk, these are "Open" standards. With that, we are to complete four repetitions on a single side, before switching to the other arm. Stimulus wise, we are looking for a loading that we are very confident we can complete unbroken each round, throughout the entire 30-minute duration. In other words, a loading that we could complete 30+ repetitions with, when fresh.
On the medball squat jumps, we are hugging a medball to our chest throughout. A full squat, followed by a jump off the ground at full extension. Weight wise, we have a similar feel to our dumbbell hang clean and jerk today - a loading that we could cycle for 30+ repetitions when fresh.