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Saturday, December 29th



Alternating EMOM x 12 (3 Rounds): Minute 1 – 15/12 Calorie Row Minute 2 - 5 Scap Retractions + 4 Kip Swings + 5 Air Squats Minute 3 - 15 Sit-Ups Minute 4 - 5 Wall Squats

*See videos below for scapular retractions and wall squats


For Time: 30 Toes to Bar 400m Run 15 Power Cleans 800m Run 15 Power Cleans 400m Run

30 Toes to Bar

*Barbell – 175/115

If Unable to Run: 30/21 – 60/42 – 30/21 Calorie Bike or Row

Stimulus wise, we are looking for a barbell that likely results in fast singles from the onset. Touch and go repetitions are possible, with the ability to cycle 9+ repetitions unbroken when entirely fresh, but inside the workout it's a loading that we likely move straight to fast singles.

A "down and back" chipper, - toes to bar, heavier power cleans, and a monostructural effort. A large portion of this workout comes down our pacing on the monostructural efforts, which will account for the majority of our time of work.

On both the toes to bar and the power cleans, consistent sets are what will serve us best here. On both movements, we face sets that are best approached in manageable chunks. Both movements have counts that we could bite into big on initially, but could result in a near "blow-up" situation in the final handful of repetitions.

Remaining consistent on these movements allows us to pace our efforts on the monostructural effort, where time can be made (or lost) very easily.

Scapular Retraction

Wall Squat

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