Monday, January 21st
Rotating Stations Every 1:00, (2 Rounds): Station 1 - :50s Row Station 2 - :20s Jump Rope + 5 OHS Station 3 - :50s Warrior Squats (See Video Below) Station 4 – 4 Snatch Deadlifts + 3 Hang Muscle Snatches
STRENGTH: 5 Minute EMOM: High Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
Set 1 - 50% Sets 2-3 - 55% Sets 4-5 - 60%
Directly Into…
7 Minute EMOM: 1 Power Snatch Build to a Heavy Single for the Day
Moving through each checkpoint, let's ensure our midline is on and strong with the bar tracking close to the body. This is our chance to refine the intricate balance of our weight throughout our feet.
3 Rounds for Time: 21 Dumbbell Front Squats (50's/35's) 21 Handstand Pushups
**If dumbbells are not available, use double kettlebells (53/35)
**Modify the handstand pushups today to a count that we are confident we could complete in at most 3 sets on the first round. Options as recommendations: 15 Repetitions per round 10 Repetitions per round
As well as: 3 Rounds: 21 Dumbbell Front Squats (50's/35's) 1:30 for Max Kipping Handstand Pushups (practice)
Stimulus wise, we are looking for dumbbell loads that we are very confident we could complete for 25+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh. As we visualize this workout, these should be loads that we are 100% confident we'll complete the first round unbroken, with rounds 2 and 3 containing at most, a single break at each.
With a combination (and repetition scheme) to test our rounds 2 and 3 handstand pushups, being "smart" on the handstand pushups is our simple, yet challenging focus. "Smart" here means one specific thought - pacing on our own individual level. Knowing ourselves on the movement, and breaking these repetitions into chunks that brings us our best consistency across the three rounds.