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Tuesday, January 22nd



10:00 Effort on Athlete's Choice: Bike, Row, or Run

On the 2:00 - 30% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups On the 4:00 - 40% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups On the 6:00 - 50% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups On the 8:00 - 40% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups On the 10:00 - 30% of Max Ring Muscle-Ups

This is not for score. All athlete's start on the monostructural effort, moving at conversational, moderate pace. Every 2:00, where the clock continues to run in the background, athlete's complete X% of their best ring muscle-up set.

To put an example to it, if an athlete has 10 unbroken ring muscle-ups as their best set, and their monostructural choice is on the bike:

10:00 Moderate Bike On the 2:00 - 3 Ring Muscle-Ups On the 4:00 - 4 Ring Muscle-Ups On the 6:00 - 5 Ring Muscle-Ups On the 8:00 - 4 Ring Muscle-Ups On the 10:00 - 3 Ring Muscle-Ups

**If we do not yet have ring muscle-ups consistently, we can practice in one of many ways:

1) Strict Banded Ring Muscle-Ups - Completing for a fixed number of repetitions per round trains both strict strength, as well as the specific mechanics of the movement most especially in the turnover. We have seen great success with this movement with our athletes who put in the time towards both the repetitions, but also the mechanics and integrity of the movement. Fixing to 5 repetitions per round is a good starting point, adjusting from there.

2) Ring Rows + Strict Ring Dips - Fixing the amount such as in option #1, athletes can compete a specific number of strict pull-ups and dips (banding as required) at each time interval. 5 of each movement fits well here, much like in option #1.



3 Rounds: 20 Calorie Row 7 Pull-Ups 7 Toes to Bar 7 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Directly into…

3 Rounds: 9 Power Cleans 9 Push Jerks Rx Barbell - 155/105

This is a two-part workout, with a single total time being our score today.

Starting with the first part, we have three rounds of rowing, with a gymnastic complex. The second part is three rounds of barbell work.

Beginning with the end in mind, the row is important, but we need to ensure we are moving into our second part with gas in reserve. This is where some athletes may find themselves pushing too aggressively. We want to take advantage of the accumulation of calories under intensity here, but not to the point where we are breaking excessively in the movements that follow. It's not a sprint pace, but it's not a relaxed piece either.

Moving onto the gymnastic complex, we have three separate movements, and they progress from easiest to most difficult. This proves to always be a challenge, as the more fatigued we get some the simpler movement, the most challenging the following, more complex movements, become. Breaking early, before we need to, is a good thought process here to avoid reaching a failed repetition. Often, we'll be challenged with the "change of movement". That is, when we transition from the pull-ups to the toes to bar, we fall off our rhythm, and have to restart our kip swing to regain composure. If this is common for us, it may be best to drop off the bar after the 7 pull-ups, effectively buy-in a brief moment to recover, followed by jumping back up and into the toes to bar. What we want to avoid here is the lost moments swinging on the bar - losing both grip strength and seconds.

Lastly, our barbell couplet to finish. Just short of a "broken up Grace", we have a total of 27 power cleans and 27 push jerks.

It won't be round 1 that will separate athletes, but rather rounds 2 and 3. Re-iterating a theme we mentioned earlier, "beginning with the end in mind", applies very much so here as well. On round 1, we may feel good enough to link together large, if not an unbroken set of power cleans. But it will be about our cycle time and sustainability on rounds 2 and 3 on these two barbell movements that will make the difference. Open just a bit more on the conservative side than we may think we need to, so that we can speed up on rounds 2 and 3.


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