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Tuesday, April 2nd

Today will involve a gymnastic skill-based training, and will follow with an emphasis on conditioning.


3 Minutes for 1 Attempt Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 1 Minute, Then…
3 Minutes for 1 Attempt Max Strict Pull-Ups

Scaled Option for Strict HSPU:

If we are not able to complete 3 strict handstand pushups, it is in our best interest to spend some time growing strength in the range of motion.

Today, let’s try dumbbell strict presses - With a range of motion from shoulders to overhead, the freely moving bells are far more demanding than the barbell. Choose a loading that allows for at least 8-10 repetitions, and go as far as we can from there. We're aiming to be in the 8-15 repetition rep range.

Scaled Option for Strict Pull-Up:

If we are beneath 3 strict pull-ups, let's use a band today. Choosing a band tension that allows for at least 7 reps, we want to fall somewhere in the 7-15 rep range here. In our notes, be sure to track which band we used as we'll be building upon this base.




3 x 4 Minute ARMAP’S, resting 4:00 between: 27/21 Calorie Row 21 Power Cleans 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Rx Barbell:

Part #1 - 135/95 Part #2 - 115/80 Part #3 - 95/65

In "Doce", we have three AMRAP's where coming close to finishing a single round in each is the challenge.

Most athletes will find themselves close to finishing the burpee box jump overs, or, getting back to the rower for a handful of calories.

Stimulus wise, we have loads that decrease over the three rounds. With the aim being, we want to maintain our intensity. If we finish for example a single round in Part #1, that is our aim in Part #2 and Part #3.

Part #1 - We are looking for a load that we could cycle for 15+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh. Part #2 - We are looking for a load that we could cycle for 21+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh. Part #3 - We are looking for a load that we could cycle for 27+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh.

Pacing the row to a certain extent is a must in order to be able to bring our effort to the power cleans. This is the only place in the workout where we may need to come to a complete stop, due to pulling strength. We want to push the row to capitalize on the calorie counts, but not to the point where we can't bring a very high effort to the barbell.

Despite it being a single set of 21 power cleans per round, it is likely in our best interest to break this set before we think we need to. Holding onto the bar and getting into the teens is impressive, but if it slows to singles or stretched out sets with big breaks between… we likely could do better with smaller sets. This will also preserve our ability to cycle through the burpee box jump overs. The cleans can be a significant separator for athletes, and we want to push here, but we also need to be able to function on the following burpees. As we have likely felt in some point in our training - the burpee box jump over movement can slow dramatically when we are overly fatigued. To the tune of 3-5+ seconds slower per repetition.

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