Saturday, April 20th

On the 2:00 x 5 Sets: 2 High Hang Cleans (Pockets) 2 Hang Cleans (Knee-Level) 2 Cleans (Floor)
Set 1 - 45% of 1RM Clean Set 2 - 50-55% Set 3 - 55-65% Sets 4-5 - Build to a Heavy Complex.
All repetitions are intended to be squat cleans, and the set is intended to be completed unbroken (touch and go repetitions on the full clean).
The Passion WOD 2019
100 Double Unders (200 singles)
800m Barbell Carry (95/65)
100 Burpees
Gyms and FAITH RXD Chapters around the world host the Passion WOD on Easter Weekend.
Every year, the workout is the same:
100 Double Unders- to remind us of the lashings he received by a whip with shards of bone and metal that ripped his back.
800m Barbell Carry (95/65)- to symbolize Jesus carrying his own crossbar to his execution site as he took the weight of our sin upon himself.
100 Burpees- to signify him conquering death by rising again.
“He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.” Isaiah 53:5