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Friday, April 26th

Closing in on the end of Week 4 in "Grunt Work". A three-part workout combining three workouts - "Fran", "Diane", and "Amanda".



On the 0:00…6:00 "Fran" 21-15-9: Thrusters (95/65) Pull-Ups

On the 6:00-12:00 "Diane" 21-15-9: Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand Push-ups

On the 12:00-Completion: "Amanda" 9-7-5: Ring Muscle-Ups Squat Snatches (135/95)

Any time remaining after completing the task (first being "Fran"), is rest.

What is less important than doing these workouts as "Rx", is completing these with rest between. If we believe there is a strong chance that we will reach the 6:00 cap in either "Fran" or "Diane", let's slightly modify the couplets so that we are afforded around :30-1:00 of rest. This makes the stimulus of the workout more potent, as opposed to a 15:00 straight workout. We are looking for the sprint stimulus today.


Foam Roll/Stretch for the remainder of class

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