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Friday, May 10th

Closing in on the end of Week 6 in "Grunt Work".Next week will be a de-load week.

1. Opening our Friday with a build to an 8-Rep Deadlift. 2. This will set us up into Comp Train benchmark of the week - "Napalm".



In 10:00 or less: Build to a Heavy Set of 8 Deadlifts



“Napalm” *30 minute cap

2 Rounds: 10 Bar Muscle Ups 20 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Deadlifts (225/155) 40 Wallballs (30/20)

*Scale BMU to hardest gymnastics pulling movement you can do. For example, chest to bar, pull-ups, ring rows, etc….

In "Napalm", we have a combination of two gymnastic movements with two weightlifting movements.

Pacing wise, our first area of focus will be on the deadlifts and wallballs of that first round. The opening bar muscle-ups and bar facing burpees are our "buy-in" to this portion of the workout, where the challenge will set in. Breaking up these deadlifts and wallballs appropriately will set us up for success in round 2, where we want to accelerate to the finish.

On the deadlifts, recognizing that a break can be very short if controlled, we are not looking to push too far in our opening set of the 30 repetitions. 12-10-8, or even fast 5x6 are talking points. A similar repetition scheme can be even be applied to the wallballs, knowing that a break here isn't overly time consuming - if we control it that is, and are diligent with getting back on the movement. Knowing we have bar muscle-ups to follow on round 2, measured breaks on the wallballs to preserve the shoulders is a wise move.

On round 2, we still want to hold back on the burpees. Let's start our final push on the barbell. Much of this workout comes down to these final 30 deadlifts and 40 wallballs, with most athletes slowing down significantly here. Here's where we make our move in the workout… which means we need to be smart in the earlier repetitions in getting there.

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