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Tuesday, May 21st

1. Starting our day with "Strict Nicole". This is a slight twist on a classic CrossFit benchmark, changing from kipping to strict pull-ups.

2. Finishing the day with “Murph” prep to complete 150 push-ups for time.



Strict “Nicole”

20 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter Run Max Strict Pull-Ups

If unable to run, complete:

500m Row

20 Calorie Bike

In "Strict Nicole", we are chasing a max number across as many rounds as seen fit by the athlete. If one pushes the 400 meter runs, we can see round totals closing in on 9 or even 10 rounds. If we pace the 400's, and chalk before each strict attempt, we may be closer to 6 rounds.

The balance is in the middle, naturally. If we push the running for true max rounds, we will get the most amount of attempts on the pull-up bar, but we may not hit our best numbers per set. A slightly more reserved pace, along with a brief composure breath, re-grouping underneath the bar is the ideal place to be.

Inside these strict reps, we are looking to stay off the ground. We can hang at the bottom of the repetitions, but as soon as we touch the ground, that terminates the set. And on these sets, we are actually not looking to go to complete failure. Knowing that we will have ~6-8 attempts on the bar, it is just as much of a paced effort as if we were to do a "Max Set on the 3:00".


“Murph” Prep

For Time:

150 Push-Ups

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