Monday, May 27th
Celebrating Memorial Day, we 'll be taking on "Murph", which will be the focus of effort for the day.
For Time: 1 Mile Run 100 Pull-Ups 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run
If unable to run, complete:
2,000m Row
80 Calorie Bike
Memorial Day is a traditional American holiday, but it is an international recognition. It is not exclusively the remembrance of American warfighters, but rather, all those who fought for the greater good. In an era where mankind is truly, and finally, working towards the same common goal of peace, this is an effort that is just as much overseas as it is internal to the US.
A quote I personally come back to fairly often goes: “Don’t tell me how he died. Tell me how he lived.”
I didn’t know Murph. But I knew men like him. And if they were here today to speak to us, I believe their words would fall in line with the meaning of that quote. How it’s less about what they did, but why they did it.
When we look back at Murph’s life, we can see that he lived by a code of honor. Of dedication, to those he cared about. His nickname, as some of you may know, was fittingly, “The Protector”.
What many don’t know however is that this name was not given to him from his actions in Afghanistan that day. Wasn’t even from the military. It was from when he was a kid, in middle school, when he stood up to a bully who was picking on his friends. Shortly after that, in his teenage years, he continued that code as he became a lifeguard, overseeing the local public as they swam at the local lake. More years passed by, and he continued that code, leading our nation’s finest into battle as a Navy SEAL.
All of his life, Murph believed in giving what he could, with what he had. And we go back to that question – what would “Murph” say if he were here? If he were here today to speak to us, I don’t believe he would want us to feel pity for him. I think it would be the opposite. I think it would be a request, for action. To continue to carry the torch forward.
To give what we can, with what we have.
To help a friend in need. To help a stranger in need.
To go the extra mile for someone, well knowing it’s more work on ourselves, and that it very well may not come back to us. But doing it anyways. Regardless of how seemingly small the act may be. In that moment we sometimes forget how powerful offering a hand to a stranger can be. But those actions are contagious. It’s called changing the echo’s. It always starts with something small. Something that seems insignificant. Something easy to do, but easier, not to do. Yet it snowballs, and can change an entire society. That is, if we can only start it.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy
Inside "Murph", athletes are allowed to partition the pull-ups, pushups and air squats as desired. In other words, athletes do no need to complete all 100 pull-ups before moving onto the pushups. Athlete's as an example can complete 20 rounds of an evenly broken setup - 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats to reach the 100/200/300 totals.
Weight vest is optional today, but is not required. Rx today is without a vest.
Although there are near countless ways to partition "Murph", there are some underlying themes we can use to our advantage.
Option #1: 20 rounds of "Cindy" - 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats. This option allows us to transition often, minimizing absolute fatigue on the muscle groups. By the time we start to reach movement fatigue, we change movements. This creates a strong metabolic environment, but is forgiving on the movements. We'll move through these rounds fairly quickly.
Option #2: 10 Rounds of 10 Pull-Ups, 20 Pushups, 30 Air Squats. In this option, we have half the transitions as the first option. Although faster there, what will be very challenging here is maintaining the pace on the pushups and air squats. Although we'll "get through the reps", chances are highly likely that we'll need to take longer breaks on the pushups, and a more paced approach on the air squats in order to not "blow up". Unless we are very skilled with high a higher gymnastic capacity where we will be able to move through the pushups in 2-3 very quick sets throughout all 10 rounds, it is highly likely that we'll find better success in the first option.
Option #3: 20 Rounds: 5 Pull-ups, 5 Pushups, 15 Air Squats, 5 Pushups. This is a great option for those who are challenged by the pushups in "Murph". For the vast majority of athletes undergoing this workout, the limiting factor is the pushups. In this sequence above, we are breaking up the "10 pushups" in a traditional Cindy round in half, and placing those reps before and after the air squats. If we run the risk of hitting movement failure on the pushups, or see ourselves being reduced to smaller sets in the traditional 5/10/15 approach, this can be a great plan of attack.
Not for ourselves today, but for those before us. In celebration of those who gave their today, for our tomorrow, Semper Fidelis ("always faithful").