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Saturday, June 1st

1. Barbell Cycling. Using related movements from our conditioning, we will be combining three weightlifting movements into a single complex. 5 Sets, one every 2:00. 2. Conditioning - "Adderall". A repeat workout of ours, last completed September 2018.



On the 2:00 x 5: 3 Power Clean and Jerks 2 Thrusters 1 Squat Snatch

Percentages based off our estimated 1RM Snatch: Set 1 - 65% Set 2 - 70% Sets 3-6 - Build to a heavy complex.

This complex does not need to be completed unbroken. It is actually recommended to drop the bar from overhead after the 2 thrusters to reset our grip for the snatch.

Using related movements in the workout ahead, "Adderall", we are building to a heavy 6-rep complex. The limiting factor for the vast majority of us, will be the final squat snatch.

Training wise, this purpose of this complex is to challenge that final rep. We commonly pair or create combinations with a heavier snatch barbell, but it's often with double-unders. Or rowing. Or biking. A related Olympic movement provides a very unique challenge to the final squat snatch, which is worth training.

Although this complex does not need to be completed unbroken, we are looking to move with a purpose here. We are looking to complete each complex before the 1:00 mark inside each window.




a 10:00 Window: Run 1 Mile Time Remaining, Max Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Rest 3:00

In a 7:00 Window: Run 800 Meters Time Remaining, Max Power Snatches (115/80)

Rest 3:00

In a 4:00 Window: Run 400 Meters Time Remaining, Max Thrusters (95/65)

If unable to run today, row for equal distance.

Use a single barbell for all three movements, as we have 3:00 between each round to change weights.

The loading descends as the movement changes, with the stimulus being that we are looking for a moderate load for all three parts. A weight that we can cycle, when completely fresh, for 10+ repetitions at each without question. The goal is to have a weight on the bar that you can run directly do after completing the “buy-in” meters and start your first rep, regardless of how winded we are. Moderate loading here is not only better, but more challenging. When in doubt err on the side of a touch lighter.

The running in this workout is the “buy-in” to the scored repetitions on the barbell. As an example, on Part 1, we have a 10:00 window to complete a mile run. Any time remaining inside that window, we are accumulating repetitions on the clean and jerk. If an athlete runs an 8:30 mile in this first part, he or she has 1:30 for max repetitions. There is our score for part one. After a 3:00 rest (on the 13:00), we start part two.

If we are not running today, rowing equal distance (1600, 800, 400 respectively per the parts) is the recommended substitute. And in both options, we are looking to modify this “buy-in” to leave time on the barbell. For example, if my best 1 mile run is over 8:00, let’s modify the distance to 1200 meters (3/4 of a mile) so that we have time on the barbell. I want you to work on the run today, but I also want you on the barbell for a minimum of 90 seconds per round. Executing these repetitions when winded is the goal today.

In terms of strategy… The most important part of this workout is an immediate transition to the barbell. We are looking to hold what we believe to be our 2 mile race pace on the road. This is a sustainable pace on all three distances and will allow us to immediately get our hands on our bar as we run inside. What we want to avoid is pushing the run, and losing the valuable seconds we gained by walking the bar, taking unnecessary chalk/water breaks, or even unnecessary steps along the transition.

In terms of repetitions on the clean and jerk and snatch barbells – fast singles is a wise strategy for most. At this loading, touch and go repetitions are absolutely an option, but only if we can sustain the sets throughout our time remaining. We don’t want to open with a set of 7-10 repetitions, and be reduced to slow singles towards the back half of our time remaining. Use the clock to our advantage. Understanding how much time we have left as we re-enter the gym, we are looking to find the threshold pace of these two movements. Again, that is the fastest pace we can move without slowing down in the time remaining.

On the thruster barbell, a slightly different case here. We are looking for larger chunks here given the setup time between transitions. We are looking at 3-4 sets inside the window.

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