Monday, June 3rd
"Grunt Work" - Week 10. 1. Week three of three in our back squat wave build. Following with a 3% in last week.
2. This will take us into our next part, a pairing of two complexes - gymnastic and Olympic Building to a heavy snatch complex for the day, we'll challenge our movement with a gymnastic buy-in each round.
Every 2 Minutes
Back Squat 3 x 79% 1 x 89% 3 x 82% 1 x 92% 3 x 85% 1 x 95% Week three of three in this progression, increasing by 2% from last week.
"On the 2:00" x 7 Sets: 4 Toes to Bar 2 Bar Muscle-Ups 1 Hang Power Snatch 1 Overhead Squat 1 Hang Squat Snatch
Set 1 - 60% Set 2 - 64% Set 3 - 68% Set 4 - 72% Sets 5-7 - build to a heavy complex for the day.
Inside this combination of gymnastics and the barbell, we'll open up each round with a gymnastic complex. Stimulus wise, we are looking for a set count that we feel very comfortable completing unbroken for at least the first few rounds. A brief break after the toes to bar is entirely acceptable, but we are looking to get to the barbell each round at the latest by the :40s mark.
Today is an excellent day to modify the volume to ensure we are meeting that criteria, as well as integrating a bar muscle-up drill if we are not yet completing the full movement.
Following our gymnastics "buy-in", we have our snatch complex.
We are looking for this to be completed unbroken, barring any shoulder/safety issues bringing it down from overhead. Any time remaining after completing the complex in the 2:00 window is rest.