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Wednesday, June 5th

1. Overhead Squat technique to follow. Starting with pausing squat repetitions, will transition couple our positioning found here with speed, on the Snatch Balance. 2. Conditioning to follow, in the form of three AMRAP's with rest between. Following a double-under "buy-in", we'll be completing rounds of ascending weight OHS and burpee box jump overs.



Every 90 Seconds for 5 Sets: 1 Tempo Overhead Squat 1 Overhead Squat

Barbell % - 60, 63, 66, 69, 72% of estimated 1RM OHS

Tempo - 5 seconds to find the bottom position. 2 second pause in bottom. Regular stand. All repetitions are taken from the rack.

The purpose of the initial tempo squat is to refine our mechanics on the descent. On the overhead squat, it is very common for athletes to become "toe"sy. Much of this is due to our descent into the squat, where our hips travel more "downwards" than "down and back". Although we naturally want to keep as vertical as possible to maximize our positioning overhead, we still need to reach back with our hips.

In the five-second descent, we have the opportunity to focus on such movement, along with ensuring that our heels are in firm contact with the ground. If we are lifting with friends today, let's ask them to watch our positioning for us. Many of us do a great job keeping the heel "down", but it's not just down… we are also looking for proper distribution throughout the heel. If our ankle caves in, even just slightly, we'll notice that the outside of the heels lift ever so slightly off the ground. The insides are still in contact, but here we are already losing position. Given how we have the "luxury of time" here in our tempo squat, let's be diligent with this and help our buddies (or ourselves, via video) out. Details matter.

On the second overhead squat in the complex, there is no tempo or pause. Regular speed.



"Slap Happy" In a 5:00 Window… 100 Double-Under Buy-In Time remaining, AMRAP: 12 Overhead Squats (95/65) 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Rest 5:00

In a 5:00 Window… 100 Double-Under Buy-In Time remaining, AMRAP: 8 Overhead Squats (115/85) 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Rest 5:00

In a 5:00 Window… 100 Double-Under Buy-In Time remaining, AMRAP: 4 Overhead Squats (135/95) 4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Score will be total rounds of OHS and burpees in each part. The double-unders do not contribute towards the score in each round. Adding in (3) scores on the main page, the system will compute the sum total for us.

For clarification, we have 3 x AMRAP 5, rest 5.

In each part, we have a 100 double-under buy-in to each round. In the time remaining inside the AMRAP, we'll accumulate max rounds of the overhead squats and burpee box jump overs. As the parts move on, the weight increases while the reps decrease. The burpee box jump overs stay fixed per round at (4).

Stimulus wise, we are looking for the following: Part #1 - A loading we could cycle for 25+ reps unbroken, when fresh. Part #2 - A loading we could cycle for 20+ reps unbroken, when fresh. Part #3 - A loading we could cycle for 15+ reps unbroken, when fresh.

In each set, throughout all three parts, we are aiming for unbroken overhead squats. This is a number where each set will become challenging, but the effort of dropping the bar from overhead to the eventual second snatch will add a significant amount. As we get the bar overhead, from round 1 to the end, let's commit to unbroken sets.

In turn, relative to our overhead squat ability, we need to ensure that we are entering each squat set with enough strength to make it through. We do that in two places - before picking the bar up (composure breath), and management on the burpee box jump overs.

On the break before the bar, give ourselves a breath to compose ourselves. Let's not wait for perfect, but let's commit to each set before picking up the bar. At these loads, for these set counts, we will be challenged… but it won't start until deep in the set where we are only a couple of reps from completion. But nonetheless, let's commit to each set through a recomposed breath at the start of each.

On the burpee box jump overs, let's slow our pace a bit here so that we have our best for the barbell. We are not means throwing away these reps, but a methodical, controlled pace here is best for setting ourselves up for our highest round counts. Diligent footwork here on the step-up of the burpee allows us to minimize the effort to get from one side to the other.

Burpee Box Jump Overs Visual First take note in the video of the disciplined footwork. Next, take note of how the athlete stays low on the box. Although faster, as one can imagine, this places significant tax on the legs. If we feel our movement slowing, instead of staying hunched over, stand. This brief vertical stance on the top of the box unloads the quads. Turn on the box, and step down backwards into our next burpee position. Slower than staying low, yes, but a brief moment of recovery here can allow us to hold our pace.

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