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Thursday, July 25th

A. Metcon

On the 2:00 x 4 Rounds (24:00): Mins 1+2 - 21/15 Calorie Row + 15 Air Squats Mins 3+4 – 200m run + 12 Burpees Mins 5+6 - 12/9 Calorie Assault Bike + 9 Single Arm Russian KBS (each arm)

Moving with controlled intensity here, the intention is to break the sweat, but keep our heart rate moderate. On the single arm KBS, we are completed all nine on a single arm before changing, with the bell rising to just about chest level. Choose a lighter load here.

B. Body Armor

This piece is 10:00 total with a running clock where you establish a 1RM for two movements on each arm so 4 7 rep maxes in total. Take as many sets as needed inside each 5:00 section.

In a 5:00 Window: Unilateral Dumbbell Strict Press 7-Rep Heavy (each side)

directly into,

In a 5:00 Window: Unilateral Dumbbell Push Press 7-Rep Heavy (each side) Building to a heavy weight on each movement, with a full set being 7 reps completed on each side. Position and movement over loading here... let's have this bolster our overhead strengths, versus potentially ingrain poor habits.

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