Friday Oct 25th
At low intensity…
Part A
3:00 Row, run or bike:
Minutes 1+2 - Light Pace
Minute 3 - Fast Pace
3 Rounds:
3 Slow Wall Squats - Video
3 Walkouts - Video
3 Russian Baby Makers - Video
Part B
3:00 Row, run or bike:
Minutes 1+2 - Light Pace
Minute 3 - Fast Pace
3 Rounds (moderate intensity):
300 Meter Row
5 Strict Pull-Ups + 10 Pushups + 15 Air Squats
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (light load)
10 Barbell Overhead Squats (light load, if not empty)
*Rest :45s-1:00 between efforts. Aim is to fully control intensity.
Part C
3:00 Row, run or bike:
Minutes 1+2 - Light Pace
Minute 3 - Fast Pace
3 Rounds (low intensity):
4 Scap Retractions - Video
8 Superman Rocks
16 Overhead Circles (8 each direction) - Video
*Light plates (between 2.5-5# for the overhead circles