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Saturday, March 2nd

METCON: 25 Bar Facing Burpees 15-12-9 (Females 12-9-6) Calorie Row 15-12-9 (Females 12-9-6) Calorie Bike

25 Handstand Pushups

15-12-9 (Females 12-9-6) Calorie Row 15-12-9 (Females 12-9-6) Calorie Bike

25 Bar Facing Burpees

**Athletes can alternate biking and rowing if needed due to class size OR run 3 sets of 200m instead of biking.

Today, we have 25 barbell-facing burpees, 25 handstand pushups, and 25 barbell-facing burpees separated by a "conditioning complex" - the rower and the bike.

With an emphasis on the barbell yesterday, today our aim is to refine the motor while keeping impact low. Today's goal is open our lungs and move through some basic gymnastic conditioning paired with lower impact machine-based monostructural efforts. Let's push our efforts with the bigger picture in mind - the Open. Well knowing that we can perform at our best on Monday if we back off slightly here, let's move into today with the above purpose in mind. Let's break the sweat and refine the engine with Monday in our sights

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