Saturday, July 20th
"We Work" (Team Version) Teams of 3 4 Rounds, with a 30:00 Time Cap: 800m Team Medball Run 60 Deadlifts 60 Front Squats 60 Push...
Friday, July 19th
A. STRENGTH: On the 2:00 x 7 Sets: 25' Handstand Walk 3 Ring/Bar Muscle-Ups 1 Squat Snatch Start at 70% of our estimated 1RM, steadily...
Thursday, July 18th
A. METCON: 18.1 Open Workout 20 Minute AMRAP: 8 Toes to Bar 10 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35) 14/12 Calorie Row...
Wednesday, July 17th
1. We are bringing back a progression seen many years ago - "Beast Builder". A combination of hang squat cleans and push jerks, this...
Tuesday, July 16th
1. Main effort to take place on a single piece – the 2K Row. 2. Gymnastics work to close. A. METCON: 2,000m Row Here's the deal with the...
Monday, July 15th
Week #3 of "Sled Dog". 1. Our next build in our Stamina Squats at 3% higher than last week. 2. This will lead us into our main effort...
Saturday, July 13th
Two parts to our Saturday: 1. Conditioning - "Mind Eraser", a repeat workout of ours. 2. Midline to finish. A. METCON: “Mind Eraser” 20...
Friday, July 12th
A. STRENGTH: Every 2 Minutes for 3 Rounds: 12 Back Squats - 70% (same weight used last Friday) Repeating last week's exact volume and...
Thursday, July 11th
A. STRENGTH: On the 2:30 x 5 Sets: 3-Position Power Snatch 3-Position Squat Snatch **Barbell load - 60% of 1RM Snatch A 5% increase...
Wednesday, July 10th
1. Barbell cycling to start the day including push jerks, and deadlifts. 2. Conditioning to close, with an all bodyweight modified...