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November Spotlight athlete of the month - Meet Aly!

Check out our Spotlight Member Page to read about our Current Athlete of the Month!

There is no greater treat than having a member whose personality lights up the gym every time they are around! Aly is everything a coach could ask for in a gym family member - she comes in early, she always has a smile on her face, she embedded in the community, she listens to coaching, she's willing to push herself and work on the hard stuff, and she finishes strong no matter where she falls in the pack. Her smile and laughter is contagious, and she has been a large contributor in the growth of our CFB family/community oriented culture. With less than 6 months under her belt, Aly took the plunge and competed in the CFB Battle for Brews Competition and did nothing short of represent our gym. She was poised, composed, pushed herself to new limits, and had some fun. Aly is a joy to coach on a daily basis (because she is there EVERYDAY - bonus points!) - and the CFB community is grateful to have her!

A little about ALY!

Tell us about yourself?

I’m just a 29 year old, living in Federal Way with my husband, Tyler. Though I am originally from Renton, I have traveled far and wide, including 2 years in the Peace Corps serving in Morocco, to return home to my family. I currently work at a frozen food company called InnovAsian Cuisine. My other fun hobbies include hiking, cooking, and playing mario kart.

How did you hear about CrossFit Burien?

Jaimie Lowrimore convinced me after months of pleading to join her for a class. I was hooked after just one class.

Why do you do Crossfit?

After trying spinning and other workout classes for many years, I needed a new challenge in my life. Crossfit asks you to put in hard work and prompts you to keep trying. I find that it also stimulates my mind in a totally different way which is a great outlet after work.

What are a few of your favorite memories from Crossfit Burien?

  1. My favorite memory from CrossFit is the competition where I was struggling with overhead squats. After the WOD was over, Diamone saw that I was having a hard time and immediately took me for a walk to talk about my challenges and how I could do better next time.

  2. My other favorite memory is my first day at CrossFit. Jaimie was going to meet me there but hadn’t arrived yet. I got out of the car to see if there was somewhere I was supposed to go and walked in, only to see everyone was dropping their bars and I was overwhelmed! So I backed out of the door but T saw me and ran out and grabbed me. And just like that, my journey to CrossFit began.

What are some short-term goals that you have recently achieved and some long term goals that you would like to achieve?

I am happy to say that I have run a mile unbroken and lifted 2,000 lbs. in one set.

I would really like to do a set of ten knees to chest on the bar unbroken. I would also like to run two miles unbroken.

What is one piece of advice that you would pass along to a new athlete who is just starting Crossfit?

I would tell them to never give up and to keep coming back. The results and community are worth it!

Fill in the blanks:

My favorite WOD is… Cindy!

In the summer I like to… Hike!

I really want to travel to… South Africa

My ideal weekend includes… A movie, a workout, and lots of coffee!

My favorite food is… Avocados

Extra comments?

I have adored becoming a part of the CrossFit Burien family. I have felt so welcomed and accepted in this community.

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