Thursday, April 19th
METCON: For Time: 200 Meter Run 27 Wallballs (20/14) 27 Box Jumps (24/20) 200 Meter Run 21 Wallballs (20/14) 21 Box Jumps (24/20)...
Wednesday, April 18th
A. STRENGTH: Every 2 Minutes, Deadlift (7 Sets) Build to a Heavy Set of 5 for the day B. METCON: 12 Minute AMRAP: 10 Handstand Push-ups...
Tuesday, April 17th
A. STRENGTH: On the Minute x 12 (3 Rounds): Minute 1 – 3 Power Snatches Minute 2 – 2 Hang Squat Snatches Minute 3 – 1 Squat Snatch ...
Monday, April 16th
A. STRENGTH: Every 2 Minutes, Front Squat Heavy Set at Each (2 ROUNDS) 5-4-3-2-1 B. METCON: 4 Minute AMRAP: 21/15 Calorie Row 21 Toes...
Saturday, April 14th
METCON: 20 Minute AMRAP: 10 Power Cleans (135/95) 12 Burpees 14 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) Looking to choose a weight on the barbell that...
Friday, April 13th
METCON: With a partner, complete full rounds then switch: 8 Minute AMRAP: 8 Deadlifts (225/155) 8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Rest 4 Minutes 8...
Thursday, April 12th
A. STRENGTH: Every 90 Seconds for 7 Sets, Split Jerk 1 Rep Build to a Heavy Split Jerk for the Day B. METCON: “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10...
Wednesday, April 11th
A. GYMNASTICS SKILL WORK: Minute 1 – 5-8 Ring Dips Minute 2 – 20 Second Hollow Body Hold Directly into 20 Second Superman Hold B. METCON:...
Tuesday, April 10th
A. STRENGTH: Every 2 Minutes, Back Squat (2 ROUNDS) 8 Reps @ 65% 6 Reps @ 70% 4 Reps @ 75% 2 Reps @ 80% B. METCON: 4 Rounds For Time: ...
Monday, April 9th
A. STRENGTH: Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 Rounds) Minute 1 – 8-10 Supine Ring Rows @ 212 Minute 2 – 40 Second Plank...