Friday, April 14th
A. WARM UP: Row 2:00 10 Muscle Snatches 5 Behind the Head Press 10 Overhead Squats 5 Snatch Balance 5 Sotts Press B. STRENGTH: Every 90...
Thursday, April 13th
A. WARM UP: Down: Lunge with PVC Passthrough Back: Inchworm 10 Scorpions 20 Double Unders 10 Kipping Swings B. STRENGTH: 12 Min EMOM (4...
Wednesday, April 12th
A. WARM UP: Row 2:00 2 Rounds: Down: Samson Stretch 10 Scorpions 10 Push Jerk w/ Empty Bar 10 Power Cleans (below knee with empty bar) B....
Tuesday, April 11th
A. WARM UP Run 400m Down: Lunge with PVC Passthrough Back: Inchworm 1 Minute Couch Stretch/leg B. STRENGTH: Every 90 Seconds, Bench Press...
Monday, April 10th
A. WARM UP Down: Side Walk with Band Around Knee 10 Air Squats Back: Side Walk with Band Around Knee 10 Air Squats 10 Thrusters (45/35)...
Saturday, April 8th
A. WARM UP: 5 Minute Group Medicine Ball Toss 3 Rounds: 20 Double Unders 10 Primal Pullthroughs 5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups B. METCON: Every...
Friday, April 7th
A. WARM UP: 2 Steady Rounds: 2:00 on Rower 8 Thrusters 8 Power Snatches 8 Burpees over the Bar B. STRENGTH: EMOM Until Failure (15 minute...
Thursday, April 6th
A. WARM UP: 2 Rounds: Down: Lunge with PVC Passthrough Back: Inchworm 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 Kipping Swings 5 Toes to Bar B. STRENGTH:...
Wednesday, April 5th
A. WARM UP: Run/Row 400m 2 Steady Rounds 10 Split Jerks (45/35) 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 1 Minute/Leg Couch Stretch B. STRENGTH: 15...
Tuesday, April 4th
A. WARM UP 2 Steady Rounds: 15 Calories on Rower 10 Wall Ball Shots 10 Medicine Ball Cleans Group Burgener Warm Up B. STRENGTH: Every 90...